Wednesday 14 March 2018

Update on BT Openreach’s Broadband roll-out delay

Following concerns expressed by residents and businesses in Hesleden and High Hesleden yesterday about another delay in BT Openreach’s Broadband programme roll-out we contacted the Digital Durham team to ask for a reason for the delay and an update on progress.

We have reproduced their response in full here. We note that the Digital Durham team is monitoring progress with this scheme and we’ll update on this site as soon as we receive any additional information:

Unfortunately some additional duct work was needed which has caused a delay. They had hoped for the work to be completed before the end of the year; unfortunately the poor weather in December hindered the de-silting work to remove blockages in some of the underground duct as the water had frozen; and a further 600 metres of duct and fibre needed to be planned in which involves a lengthier process.

Openreach have advised that the duct work is now with their contractors for completion, and all going well, it should be completed by the end of the month if not sooner. I understand the contractors were surveying the site yesterday. 

Once that is completed the cabinet will need to go through a commissioning process - essentially an audit to confirm all is as it should be. All going well with the commissioning, Openreach systems are then updated to reflect the availability of the service which is then picked up by Internet Service Provider systems allowing those connected to the cabinet to place an order.

Openreach have said that service should be imminent.

The previous estimate was for the service to be available in March, but considering the final processes after the installation of the duct work, from experience I think there’s a possibility it might slip slightly into the start of April. It shouldn’t be too much longer though. 

Openreach are going to let me know when it’s completed, and I will get in touch. I’ve popped a reminder in my diary towards the end of the month to check where progress is at.