Wednesday 28 March 2018

Streetlight repairs in East Street, Blackhall Colliery

Reports were received from residents this morning that the street lights along parts of East Street (roughly between First Street and the Scout Hut at the bottom of Eighth Street) were out of order, leaving a long stretch of the road and pavement in almost complete darkness.

Having asked the street lighting engineers at county hall this morning for their urgent attention to this matter the following statement has now been received:

Good Afternoon Cllr Crute

The lights in question on East street, it is due to contractors working on behalf of Northern Power Grid who are carrying out works in that area. They have removed overhead power lines from the old wood poles on East Street and not supplied the new with a power connection on the corner of East Street and First Street column 1061.

I have contacted both Northern Power Grid and the contractors involved and have asked for an immediate response to the enquiry as to why this has happened, and also why DCC have not been informed before this happened.

As a temporary measure and to have the new lights working, I intend to put up a temporary supply to have these re lit for the Easter break. This will be carried out tomorrow (29/3/18) .

I will now investigate with the parties involved as to why this has happened and to ensure it does not happen again without prior knowledge being given to DCC of the imminent works.

Kind Regards