Thursday 8 March 2018

HGVs in Hesleden

A complaint was received recently about heavy goods type vehicles reported to be using the route past Hesleden Primary School to access the former pit heap site at the west of the village.

On the assumption that the vehicles belonged to the company extracting waste from the pit heap we contacted the site manager for comment and we received the following response in return.

We are grateful to the company for their quick response and for their assurance that their vehicles are not responsible for the origin of this particular complaint. 

However, if you notice any similar incidents in future please take a note of the vehicle registration number and either forward it to us or pass it directly to the company for investigation:

Hi Rob
Many thanks for your email.
We have double checked with site and they are certain that our site wagons are not using Myra Avenue and note that they have seen other articulated vehicles, not related to our site, using this access route.
However we will reinforce with our drivers  the designated route and ensure it is adhered to.
May we please ask if observers could take a registration number of a vehicle on this route and if it is one of our wagons immediate disciplinary action will be taken.
Many thanks