Saturday 25 November 2017

Hesleden pit heap: removal works to begin soon

We have been advised by a member of the planning section at county hall that works to remove spoil from the pit heap at Hesleden are scheduled to begin within the next week or so (please see post dated Wednesday 6 January 2016 for all background details to this development).

On-site preparatory works are drawing to a close; this includes drainage and associated schemes as detailed in the programmed work activity table we published recently in a post dated Tuesday 25 July 2017.

We have written many times about our concerns relating to road safety as a result of these works. These relate mainly to traffic generation on the already busy and dangerous B1281 between Blackhall and the A19 at Wellfield, and especially the stretch between Gray Avenue and the war memorial junction at Castle Eden (please see post dated Saturday 6 February 2016 for details of our concerns).

We are also well aware of the potential impact of heavy vehicles making repeated return journeys along Gray Avenue between the pit heap site and the B1281 junction at a rate of four wagons per hour. We acknowledge that site operators have put measures in place to mitigate the impact but concerns remain that residents will have to put up with increased noise, dirt and other nuisances which otherwise would not have happened.

If you have any concerns at all about any of the issues detailed above we are advised that you should contact Paul Davies on: 07796 446 362 or

We will also create a log of any comments, complaints and concerns which we will raise with the site owners and developers at our regular liaison meetings, so please let us know of any particular issues relating to this development.