Monday 21 August 2017

Traffic calming scheme at Hazel Drive to go ahead

At a meeting on Saturday afternoon of The Hesledens Residents' Association we were asked about progress with residents' requests for traffic calming measures to be installed at Hazel Drive (please see posts dated Friday 27 January & Wednesday 17 May 2017 for background details).

Having made enquiries this morning with the highways department at county hall we have received the following response confirming that the scheme is scheduled to proceed as planned, as soon as any outstanding legal matters have been addressed:

With regard to the scheme to introduce traffic calming in Hazel Drive, we have not received any further objections and had no response from the objectors, we are therefore able to take the scheme forward.  Unfortunately there has been a slight delay in finalising the legal details however this is progressing and the legal notice to permit the installation of road humps is being expedited.

I am sorry for the delay.

Kind regards