Sunday 25 June 2017

The Hesledens Residents' Association

The first formal meeting of The Hesledens Residents' Association got underway yesterday afternoon at Hesleden WMC. This followed two initial preparatory meetings held over the past few weeks (please see post dated Sunday 11 June 2017 for background details).

Nominations were taken and positions were filled for the roles of Chair, vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and details will be published in due course. It was also agreed that a constitution for the Association be drafted and agreed at the next meeting to be held in July.

The broad aims and objectives of the group were established and it was agreed that residents' priorities for the village and the surrounding area be discussed at the next meeting. In the meantime a number of local issues were raised from the floor. These included:
  • Broadband provision in the villages
  • Street lighting
  • Parking
  • Condition of the pond along the lines
  • Issues relating to the children's play area
  • Highways and pavements
Those issues within the remit of Durham County Council will be reported immediately and those relating to other organisations, including Monk Hesleden Parish Council, will be reported to the parish clerk for attention.

Updates on progress will be published on this site as soon as they are received but in the meantime please get in touch if you have any comments to make with regard to the matters raised above.

The next meeting of The Hesledens Residents' Association will be held on
Saturday 22 July 2017 at 2.15pm in Hesleden WMC. All welcome.