Monday 19 June 2017

Environmental issues at Crimdon

Following reports over the weekend of overflowing litter bins, rubbish gathering along the front and the persistent problem of dog fouling the environmental teams at both the county council and the Durham Heritage Coast have been asked clean the area and also to ensure that bins are emptied regularly.

Ultimately littering is a problem created by people discarding their litter without a thought for others, and the same can be said of the responsibility of dog owners to clean up after their pets, but as a minimum the relevant authorities should make sure that the bins they provide are emptied on a regular basis.

Other issues have been raised too over the past few days, mainly those relating to toilets and other facilities at Crimdon. Background details to this issue can be found elsewhere on this site (please see posts dated Sunday 2 April & Thursday 13 April 2017 for previous articles about the Crimdon Investment Project).

In a perfect world local authorities and other public bodies would be funded fairly by central government, and in such a way that they would be able to support facility and infrastructure investment in resorts like Crimdon but unfortunately we live in times of bleak and unnecessary austerity which has far-reaching consequences for the British public. The government is steadily stripping away 40% of Durham County Council's budget, leaving it barely able to provide statutory services let alone invest in leisure facilities.

However we must remain hopeful that the findings from the Crimdon Investment Project mentioned elsewhere will produce alternative funding options to enable a revival of Crimdon's fortunes. We are extremely fortunate to have such an attractive natural asset on our doorstep. It would be a shame if we were to lose out on any opportunity to improve the resort and to increase tourism in County Durham.