Saturday 6 May 2017

Durham County Council Election Results

As you may be aware the local elections to Durham County Council were held on Thursday 4 May. 

The count took place at Spennymoor Leisure Centre yesterday and we have posted below the result for the Blackhalls Ward:
Name of CandidateDescription (if any)Number of votes*
CRUTE, RobLabour Party1115 Elected
EATON, TomThe Conservative Party Candidate412
FRANKLIN, SteveThe North East Party259
POUNDER, LynnLabour Party1041 Elected
ROBINSON, Jamie Michael StuartThe North East Party240
The results for the remaining seats in the county can be found at:

We would like to thank everyone who supported us throughout our election campaign and who voted for us on Thursday. We have been truly humbled by the kind comments and the unswerving support of our residents.

Our campaign for the 2021 elections starts now!