Sunday 30 April 2017

Reports of dog poisoning at Blackhall Colliery

We posted on social media outlets yesterday about local reports of dogs apparently being poisoned after walking in an area behind the Hackworth Road industrial estate at Blackhall Colliery.

We immediately contacted the local police, the direct services team and environmental health officers at Durham County Council to ask for information on what precisely had happened and to ask that any relevant information be conveyed to the public as soon as possible. We received an initial response from the local police community support officer and we have reproduced below in full:

I was called to the incident this morning and attended with Fire in case there were any toxic gases or other chemicals involved. An area search was undertaken in the area highlighted, the walkway behind the industrial units, and nothing obvious was found. I have placed a notice at the start of the pathway advising of the possible issues and asking for information. I have also spoken to the local Parish Clerk in case this is something that is brought up next week by residents.

At present, we have no idea what has caused these illnesses and deaths or whether it is harmful to people. As I say, Fire attended with their gas sniffer and no anomalies were reported. I have also spoken to various dog walkers to make them aware. I do not wish to cause any undue panic in the area and hopefully these incidents will be isolated and the cause found via vets examination. Fire were in contact with Clifton Lodge vets where one of the dogs went.

For future reference, our incident number is DHM-29042017-0175

It was also confirmed by the police that officers at the RSPCA had been made aware of the incidents to enable them to deal with public enquiries.

The head of the direct services department at the county council confirmed that neighbourhood wardens had also been alerted to the incidents, along with the central communications office at county hall to ensure a coordinated and clear response as soon as more details are known.

Clearly the bank holiday period makes it more difficult to contact the different agencies involved in this incident but we will monitor developments over the next few days and get out as much information as we can, as soon as possible. We appreciate that this is a hugely distressing time for those dog owners affected by this incident so we will try to strike the right balance when putting information out to the general public.

In the meantime please take care extra care when out with your pets and please do your best to avoid the affected area immediately behind the Hackworth Road industrial estate.