Thursday 13 April 2017

Progress with Crimdon Investment Project works

We met yesterday at Crimdon with officers from the Heritage Coast Partnership to discuss progress with the Crimdon Investment Project and also to see for ourselves the progress made with the ongoing environmental improvement works at the access points to the beach (please see related posts elsewhere on this site for background details).

It was pleasing to see that the works underway to realign the flagstones at the steps and to repair some of the damaged fencing was making good progress. Works to tidy up the rest of the steps and edge-off the access pavements are scheduled to take place soon. Officers reported that while most of the fence replacement works were now almost finished there was some work still to do with the welded fencing and this would be completed soon when the bespoke parts became available.

We also took the opportunity to review the Crimdon Investment Project which is intended to work towards a site management plan and the development of a business plan to provide an information point, public toilets, an arts and heritage display and cafeteria. It will also see the start of works to construct a boardwalk across the dunes leading hopefully to Crimdon becoming an events location at some point in the near future (full details of the Crimdon Investment Project can be found in our post dated Sunday 2 April 2017).

Works as detailed above are progressing well and access works to the dunes are expected to commence soon. This will be preceded by an organised litter-pick at the beach on Sunday 23 April with the prospect of this becoming a regular monthly event. We will post more details as soon as we have them.

Clearly the success of the Crimdon Investment Project's findings and recommendations will be largely reliant on funding and we are currently working towards putting a package together.

We will continue to monitor progress on the schemes detailed above and we will update regularly whenever significant developments come to light. In the meantime please try to get to Crimdon whenever you can. We are convinced that with the right approach and with the support of the public we can once more make Crimdon an attractive tourist and leisure destination.