Wednesday 12 April 2017

Defibrillator for Blackhall Rocks

Yesterday we made our regular weekly visit to the Blackhall Rocks Residents' Association coffee morning at Kasko House in Blackhall Rocks.

We were joined on this occasion by the parish clerk to discuss with residents' association members the final steps to be taken in installing a community defibrillator. This follows the provision of two public-use defibrillators in Blackhall Colliery and one at Castle Eden (please see previous posts on this site for background information).

A suitable location for the defibrillator was found at the front of the building which would allow for easy public access in the event of an emergency and also enable the equipment to be easily connected to the power supply.

We have already made sure that funding for the defibrillator is secured so all that remains now is for the installation to take place, which is expected within the next few weeks, and for the free public training sessions to get underway.

The next stage in the roll-out of our programme is to install a community defibrillator in Hesleden and then provide them in the remaining villages in our ward (where residents want them of course, and if a suitable location can be found) and this will begin as soon as possible.