Tuesday 11 April 2017

Action to tackle noise from propane gas guns (bird deterrents)

Following a significant number of complaints from residents recently we contacted officers in the Environmental Health unit at county hall to express our concerns about disturbance caused by the use of bird deterrents (propane gas guns) in and around our villages, especially during the early hours of the morning.

We acknowledge of course that we live in a semi-rural area and the use of such deterrents is essential for our farmers but we also understand the concerns of our residents and we recognise the need to ensure that noise disturbance from such measures is kept to an absolute minimum.

We have received the following response from the unit which includes a link to National Farmers' Union (NFU) guidelines on the use of such deterrents on farmers' fields:

It certainly sounds like bird scarers going off. Farmers tend to use them after their fields are sowed with crops and is usually a temporary measure while they take hold. I have attached the NFU code of practice for your information which may give you an idea if the use is outside the recommended practice.

If you require any further information or the noise persists please let me know.

The reports we have received from residents indicate that bird deterrents are being used quite frequently before sunrise and after sunset, thereby contravening NFU guidelines as detailed above.

Accordingly, we have now asked the Environmental Health unit to take whichever steps are required to ensure that bird deterrents are used only in a way which complies with NFU guidelines and which puts and end to the disturbance for residents nearby.

We will monitor progress with this matter and update in due course.