Wednesday 22 February 2017

Update on works to remove Hesleden Pit Heap

Following residents' queries yesterday regarding works along the track between Hesleden WMC and the Haswell to Hart walkway (shown in red on the map below) we made enquiries with the planning office at county hall to clarify the current status of plans to remove the pit heap from the village (please see post dated Wednesday 6 January 2016 for details of the planning process to date).

We have now received the following information from the planning case officer in charge of the development:

The works that have been carried out so far are the removal of the hedgerow to the east of the junction of Gray Avenue with the B1281 and works are about to begin to remove trees from the site.  The operator has also carried out works to trees along the Hart to Hesleden walkway at the request of the Councils Countryside team.  None of these works required planning permission and so the development has not yet commenced.  I understand that the next operation will be to install a metered water supply to the site and also for the benefit of the allotment holders on the access track.

We still need to discharge the drainage details for the site before the development can commence.  

We will continue to monitor progress with this development to ensure that any disruption to residents is kept to a minimum and that all conditions attached to the planning consent are met in full.

If you have any particular issues or concerns about this matter please get in touch in the usual way, or click on the email links shown below: