Monday 6 February 2017

Recent increase in reported fly-tipping incidents

Over the past few months we have noticed a significant spike in reported incidents of fly-tipping in our villages, and most notably in the back streets and rear yards of empty properties in Blackhall Colliery.

Over this weekend alone we received reports of a fridge and other household goods abandoned in Fourth Street, vehicle tyres dumped along Mickle Hill Road between High Hesleden and Blackhall Rocks and general waste thrown over the bridge onto the railway embankment behind the Navy Club.

Household waste dumped on the railway embankment

Fridge abandoned outside a property in Fourth Street

Tyres dumped by the roadside at Mickle Hill Road 

As in all cases we reported these incidents to the neighbourhood wardens and the street cleaning team straight away for their attention, with the exception of the rubbish on the railway embankment which we reported to Network Rail for their investigation and clearance.

In many cases fly-tipping and abandoned furniture is collected within a few days but occasionally clearance may take a little longer, especially when there is private-sector involvement.

We will monitor progress and we will continue to report all such incidents immediately on receipt of reports from the public. In the meantime we would like to thank our neighbourhood organisations, residents, motorists and others for their vigilance and for making us aware of these incidents. 

Although fly-tipping is a major problem in and around our villages, especially in these difficult financial times for the local authority, we can get on top of it by working together as a community.