Monday 13 February 2017

BT Openreach's response to our query on Broadband provision

Last month we reported that we had approached the office of Grahame Morris MP to enquire about any dealings they might have had with BT Openreach in pressing for an improved broadband service in Hesleden, High Hesleden, Castle Eden and other parts of our ward (please see post dated Saturday 28 January 2017 for background information).

We have now received a response from Grahame's office but unfortunately it offers little by way of commitment from BT Openreach to upgrade Cabinet 9 at Wellfield. We are particularly concerned about their comments relating to "early design stages" when we have been told previously that the cabinet simply required upgrading and was awaiting a position in BT's annual programme scheduled to begin next month.

Clearly BT Openreach do not share our urgency in finding a solution to the abysmal broadband service provided in parts of our ward so we will seek further assistance from the Digital Durham team in pressing for an alternative approach.

We have published BT's response to Grahame's office below:

Thank you for your email of 6 February to Stephen Little about the upgrade of cabinet 9 connected to Wellfield exchange.

As Stephen advised you in his e-mail, cabinet 9 is part of our commercial programme,  but it is very much in the early design stages so we are unable to provide an expected completion date.   However, our experience is if there are no issues with finding a suitable location for the fibre cabinet or with the civil engineering work, we would typically be looking at 12 months before the area is ready to take fibre broadband orders.

In your e-mail you have asked about BT’s commercial plans.  I’m not sure what specific information you want.  If there’s  a particular area you are concerned about then please share this information with Stephen and we’ll be happy to investigate further for you.

In case you are not aware, we have an Openreach website which is updated with our latest plans.  Individuals need to put in their postcode or telephone number to find out the latest situation about the availability of fibre broadband in their area.  I’m happy if you to share the website below with any of Grahame’s constituents who get in touch with your office.

I hope my comments help.
Kind regards

Katherine Elders

Customer Resolutions HLC