Monday 30 January 2017

Traffic survey in Blackhall Colliery

Last year we asked the traffic management officer at Durham police to carry out a traffic survey on the A1086 along Middle Street, Blackhall Colliery and on towards St Joseph's RC Church to assess the extent of reported traffic issues in the village (please see post dated Sunday 23 October 2016 for background information).

We have received the results of the survey and we have published them below in full:

The A1086 looking south towards Chicken's Green and St Joseph's

Data from the speed surveys organised on the A1086 Middle Street through Blackhall Colliery within the 30 mph speed limit area:

David organised for a survey to be undertaken within the commercial area of Middle Street near to the Fifth Street junction and a survey to be undertaken near to the B1281 Hesleden Road junction.

By way of an overview the results of the speed surveys were as follows.

A1086 Middle Street Just south east of Fifth Street Junction
Date of Survey
Average Daily
Traffic Flow
03/11 – 10/11/16
(shaded area is percentage of vehicles within Police enforcement threshold)

A1086 Middle Street Just North west of B1281 Hesleden Road Junction
Date of Survey
Average Daily
Traffic Flow
15/11 – 22/11/16
(shaded area is percentage of vehicles within Police enforcement threshold)

A1086 Middle Street just south east of Fifth Street junction.

As can be seen from the speed survey data there is an excellent level of speed limit compliance with 90% of vehicles travelling within the 30 mph speed limit.

The average mean speed of vehicles was 24 mph (below the posted 30 mph speed limit).

Of the vehicles surveyed over the 7 day 24 hour period only 2% were found to be in our possible enforcement thresholds.

It is recognised that some of these vehicles, given the strategic importance of the route, may have been blue light vehicles so the figures for general excess speed will be lower but I am unable to quantify the extent of the blue light usage during the survey period.

The concerns around the speed of HGV’s here is fully appreciated, however, in recognising the concerns raised it is often the case that in a confined area such as this, the size and noise associated with HGV’s (especially if un-laden) often conspires to give the impression that they are travelling at speeds a lot higher than they actually are which appears to be the case here.

While appreciating the residential feel to the area, the road is an A class strategic road where we would hope that HGV’s used to pass through areas, rather than using inappropriate residential roads as a cut through.

Unfortunately there is nothing that can be done to stop the use or increased use of the road by HGV traffic.

In respect of this area, based on the information to hand, at this time this is not a locality where we would consider any Police speed enforcement attention.

A1086 Middle Street just north west of B1281 Hesleden Road junction.

As can be seen from the speed survey data there is 50% compliance rate within the 30 mph speed limit.

The average mean speed was 29 mph (below the posted 30 mph speed limit).

Of the vehicles surveyed over the 7 day 24 hour period only 14% were found to be in our possible enforcement thresholds.

Again, it is recognised that some of these vehicles, given the strategic importance of the route, may have been blue light vehicles so the figures for general excess speed will be lower but I am unable to quantify the extent of the blue light usage during the survey period.

The results of the speed survey do not meet our escalation levels for a dedicated speed enforcement campaign by the Roads Policing Unit.

This said, while not meeting our escalation levels for specific attention by the Roads Policing Unit, the A1086 road including the section through Blackhall Rocks and Blackhall Colliery does feature as part of a Mobile Safety Camera enforcement route and we do have an identified deployment location outside the Aged Miners Homes opposite the access leading to St Josephs RCVA Primary School.

To date during 2016 the Safety Camera Deployments on this section of road have resulted in 177 drivers being dealt with either through offer of a Speed Awareness Course (168), Conditional Offer – fine/points (8) or straight to Court (1).

Given the local concerns in this matter I will request officers from our Mobile Safety Camera Unit continue to give the locality some attention when in the area.

Again while appreciating the concerns around the volume HGV’s unfortunately there is nothing that can be done to stop the use or increased use of the road by HGV traffic.

In addition I have also reviewed the accident record for this route during the period 01/01/13 to 30/11/16 which indicates no HGV’s involved in accidents and only one accident recorded involving excess speed. This accident occurred on 21/06/14 at 05:35 hours and involved a rear end shunt with a driver exceeding the speed limit and being under the influence of alcohol.