Wednesday 4 January 2017

Proposals to improve visibility at the Gray Avenue/B1281 junction

When approval was given last year to Hargreaves plc to reclaim the former pit heap at Hesleden a number of conditions were attached to the consent, meaning that removal works would not be allowed to proceed until certain works had been carried out.

When we put our objections to the planning committee at county hall (please see post dated Wednesday 6 February 2016) we spoke of our serious misgivings about the poor visibility splay and an associated increased risk of traffic accidents at the junction of Gray Avenue and the B1281 if the plans were allowed to proceed (please see posts dated Saturday 6 February 2016 & Thursday 22 September 2016 for further reports about our concerns).

As a result the developer has now submitted a planning application seeking approval to cut back the hedgerow to the east and west of the junction with the intention of improving visibility and making the junction safer. 

Clearly it is important that as many people as possible make their opinions known in relation to this proposal so please click on the link below and leave your comments with the planning department as part of the public consultation process:

Application Ref: DM/16/04081/HRN

Site Address: Hesleden Spoil Heap Hesleden TS27 4PN 

Proposal: Hedgerow on B1281 by junction on Gray Avenue

Full details of the application is contained in the following link: