Sunday 27 November 2016

Public footpath in Hesleden to be closed from January 2017

Earlier this month we wrote about a proposal by developers to temporarily close Pathway No24 at Hesleden to allow for preparation and reclamation works (please see post dated Thursday 3 November 2016 for background details).

We have now received advance notification that the pathway will be closed from January next year, as shown in the table below:

Footpath 24
Reclamation works
Footpath closure
5 January 2017
4 July 2018
PBU (UK) Ltd

Please note: Having made our concerns known to the licensing and planning sections at county hall we have been assured that, although planning consent has been formally approved, no development or reclamation will be allowed to proceed at this site until specific planning conditions have been met. 

These conditions include addressing our concerns about access, visibility and the risk of traffic accidents at the Gray Avenue/B1281 junction (please see posts dated Thursday 22 September 2016, Wednesday 22 June 2016, Saturday 6 February 2016 & Wednesday 6 January 2016 for details).