Thursday 3 November 2016

Proposed temporary closure of a Public Right of Way at Hesleden

We have been notified of an intention to temporarily close public right of way FP 24 between the Haswell to Hart walkway and Hesleden WMC. 

The notification we received is reproduced below in red text:

Hello Cllrs

I have been notified of the works below to commence early 2017 for up to 20 months for reclamation works affecting a public footpath linking Front Street/Gray Avenue, Hesleden to the Haswell-Hart Railway path.

An alternative route is proposed via the access along Station Road.

Can you let me know if you have any concerns or comments.

The intention is to temporarily close the public right of way which links the Haswell to Hart walkway and Hesleden WMC and divert walkers along Front Street and back onto the walkway at the bottom of Station Road.

Our immediate concern is that this proposed closure appears to represent the early stages of long-term works to remove the pit heap, a scheme that we opposed earlier this year when it was put before the planning committee at county hall (please see post dated Wednesday 6 January 2016 for background information and full details of our objections).

For the same reasons, and because we feel that a public right of way should remain open to public access, we are minded to oppose the closing up and diversion order. However, we think comments from the community would be particularly helpful in adding weight and balance to our comments.

If you would like to comment on this proposed temporary public right of way closure, or if you have any questions about it, please contact the Licences Team Leader at: or 03000 267 095