Tuesday 13 September 2016

Request for dropped-kerbs at Hazel Drive, Hesleden

Following a request received recently from a resident we contacted the highways department at county hall to ask if it would be possible to have additional dropped-kerbs installed at Hazel Drive in Hesleden.

We have now received the following response which confirms that our request will be placed on the scheme list:

I have been forwarded your enquiry concerning the lack of dropped kerbs at Hazel Drive, Hesleden.

As I am sure you will be aware, the County Council receives more requests for dropped kerbs than it is able to fund from limited highway related accessibility budgets. As such, all requests for dropped kerbs are added to a future scheme list which is periodically reviewed. 

Priority is typically afforded towards dealing with locations in town/commercial business areas as improvements at these locations would serve the most users as they look to get access to facilities. This location (Hazel Drive) is a good candidate due to the nearby bus stops on Gray Avenue and Church Street.

Looking at the area on Google Earth, I suspect that additional dropped kerbs elsewhere nearby would also be welcomed. I will ensure your request is added to the future scheme list to be considered against the many other requests that we have outstanding.

We will monitor progress with this proposed scheme and update on any significant developments as they arise.