Wednesday 17 August 2016

Hesleden Memorial: Blackhalls Local History Group Open Day

Blackhalls Local History Group is proposing to erect a war memorial in Hesleden and they will be holding an open day next month to give residents an opportunity to have their say on whether they would like a memorial in their village and, if so, where they think it would be best located.

Members of the History Group have asked us to promote their event so we've published all the details below. Please make every effort to come along. We will both be there and we look forward to meeting you on the day:

Monk Hesleden Parish Council
In Association With
Blackhall’s Local History Group

Residents and Former Residents of Hesleden
To give their Views
On The Possible Siting of a War Memorial
In  Hesleden.

Display of Hesleden Photos

To be held in the Methodist School Room, Hesleden on
 Saturday  3rd September 2016
 10.00am – 3.00pm

Tea and Coffee will be available

Present will be:

Blackhall’s  Local  History  Group

County Councillors Rob Crute & Lynn Pounder

Wayne  Gibson (Community  Development Officer)