Saturday 2 July 2016

Durham Big Meeting 2016 - Blackhall is ready!

Once again Durham Big Meeting (or the Durham Miners' Gala if you prefer) is almost upon us. This year it will be held next Saturday, 9 July and the Blackhall Banner Group has everything in place for the greatest day of the year for our mining communities.

As in years gone by we have worked through the Blackhall Banner Group to make arrangements for the big day and we can now confirm that everything is in place.

We are delighted to confirm that the Kirkbymoorside Town Brass Band will once again accompany the banner through the streets of Durham and onto the Racecourse. The band has been an almost constant companion to the Blackhall Banner Group over the years and we look forward to welcoming them once again to the Big Meeting this year.

We have also secured funding for transport for the day. A 51-seat coach has been booked to take the banner and its followers to Durham and back again once the event is over.

The coach will be leaving Blackhall Rocks at 7.45am on Saturday and will return from Durham at 5.00pm. Although we haven't yet set a firm price we can assure you that because it's subsidised by the Banner Group it'll be much cheaper than public transport!

There are still a few seats available on the coach but to avoid disappointment it is essential that you book a seat first if you would like to come with us to the Big Meeting. 

Please contact us at: or if you would like to reserve places on the coach. But hurry, time is running out and it's first-come-first-served!