Friday 17 June 2016

Ward surgery details

We held a ward surgery this morning at Blackhall Library but unfortunately one of our residents turned up at the wrong venue to see us.

Because of this confusion we've decided to publish again details of our monthly ward surgeries. If in doubt, please check our posters which are displayed throughout the village.

FIRST Friday: Blackhall Community Centre: 9.30am to 10.30am

THIRD Friday: Blackhall Library: 9.30am to 10.30am

LAST Thursday: Hesleden Methodists Chapel: 9.30am to 11.00am

LAST Thursday: Blackhall Library: 6.00pm to 7.00pm

Please don't forget: If you're not able to get along to one of our surgeries you can get in touch with us on social media or by using the contact details on our public posters or on the county council's website and we'll make whichever arrangements are necessary to deal with your query.