Monday 13 June 2016

Unauthorised encampment at High Hesleden

Please note below the notification we have received today from the GRT team at county hall in relation to an unauthorised encampment on land to the rear of Dene View, High Hesleden

The Gypsy, Roma, Traveller, Service have been advised today of an Unauthorised Encampment on a field to the rear of Dene View, High Hesleden TS27 4QE.

An initial visit also took place today by Neighbourhood Wardens to confirm the location of the UE and to record family/trailer details. The UE comprises at this time of one trailer and would appear to be the same one which formed the UE behind the public library at Thorney last week. This trailer vacated from the UE at Thornley at some time over the weekend.

The land behind Dene View is owned by DCC and a follow-up visit is to be made to the UE by GRTS. A full update will be provided in the weekly Friday UE update.

GRT Service Direct Tel:                 03000 266 042