Wednesday 22 June 2016

Objections to street lighting reduction proposals at Castle Eden

We met recently with members of Castle Eden Parish Council to consider Durham County Council's proposals to remove a number of street lighting columns in and around Castle Eden as part of its ongoing Street Lighting & Energy Reduction Project.

Following discussions with parish members there was a general consensus that the county council's proposals to remove some street lighting in two separate locations at Castle Eden could not be supported because of a number of specific concerns. 

We are aware that the parish council has written to the county council outlining its concerns. We have also submitted our own objections and we have published our correspondence below in full for information.

Over recent years we have submitted a series of letters objecting to the council's area-specific proposals, particularly as they relate to the other villages in our ward which we feel are being affected unfairly by this policy due to its bias against rural areas.

From past experience we know that it's essential to have the community behind us if we are to be successful in keeping the street lights on in and around our rural villages. Consequently we would encourage anyone with concerns about the council's street lighting proposals for Castle Eden to submit their objections as soon as possible. 

Please follow the link below for details of the council's street lighting and energy reduction project:

If you have any issues you would like to be considered as part of these proposals, please contact the senior programme manager:

Objections to Street Lighting and Energy Reduction proposals for Castle Eden

Cllr Rob Crute & Cllr Lynn Pounder, Blackhall Division

Having studied closely the council’s SLERP proposals for Castle Eden we can confirm that we cannot support any of the recommended lighting column removals.

Castle Eden is in an entirely rural location with a considerable agricultural background and with very busy roads throughout which link the main A19 arterial road through east Durham and the villages along the coast, including the visitor destination at Crimdon Dene Holiday Park. It is also designated by the highway authority as an alternative route for traffic diverted to and from the A19 in the event of an accident or emergency.

In reaching our decision we have considered the following points:

·    Proposals to remove street lighting columns along the highway between the B1281 junction and the Haswell to Hart walk-way bridge on Stockton Road would leave this entire stretch of road in complete darkness. We note that there are access and egress points to residential properties at seven separate locations, along with access to and from two public footpath and agricultural facilities. It should also be noted that this is on a scheduled bus route. We consider that any street lighting reduction at this location would lead to a serious and unacceptable safety risk to residents, pedestrians and road-users alike.

·    In relation to the second set of proposals to remove street lighting columns from the stretch of highway linking the junction at The Village to the B1281 junction we note that there have been a number of reported incidents of speeding at this location, along with a number of vehicle collisions (although it is acknowledged that none have been fatal up to this point). We feel that the twisting and undulating nature of this stretch of road would lead to an unacceptable risk of further accidents in future should street lighting be reduced or removed.

·    Finally, we would draw your attention to a major planning application approved recently by the strategic planning committee at Durham County Council to remove spoil from the pit heap at the former Castle Eden (Hesleden) Colliery. Although works to remove the spoil heap have yet to begin we note that the scheme would involve the movements of four heavy goods vehicles per hour, each day between Hesleden and the A19 at Castle Eden for a period of not less than 20 months and using the highway where street lighting is recommended for removal. Given the concerns about speeding, traffic collisions and the nature of the road linking this location and the A19 we feel strongly that road traffic accidents are almost inevitable. Removing street lighting in this area would increase that risk considerably.

We have met with Castle Eden Parish Council and other local organisations and we can confirm that they share concerns as detailed above.

For the reasons we have outlined in this correspondence we would strongly urge the council to reconsider its proposals to remove street lighting columns in and around Castle Eden.

Cllr Rob Crute & Cllr Lynn Pounder

22 June 2016