Thursday 23 June 2016

County Durham Plan consultation

We have been notified of a series of public consultation events designed to help residents and businesses in the county have a say on the development of the County Durham Plan.

Please see below for background information and details of how to participate, including links to enable you make your representations:

Durham County Council is now consulting on the County Durham Plan Issues and Options between the 24th June 2016 and the 5th August 2016.

The County Durham Plan will set out how much development, including jobs, housing, shopping and infrastructure is required in the county up to 2033 in order to support a prosperous economy and improve our quality of life. The Plan will direct development to where people want to live and businesses want to invest and seek to secure the infrastructure needed to support this new development including schools, transport and green space. It will also seek to protect and enhance the natural, historic and built environment, promote good design and help us address the causes and impacts of climate change.

Details of dates, times and venues of consultation events are included below. Area Action Partnership meetings will also be considering the County Durham Plan Issues and Options and details of future meetings are available at

The Issues and Options document is also available to view at the Council’s customer access points, at libraries and on our website at:

If you wish to comment on the County Durham Plan Issues and Options please do so in writing by 6pm on 5th August 2016

Write to: FREEPOST Spatial Policy (no other details are required for the address)