Tuesday 21 June 2016

Blackhall Primary School Friendship Ceremony

Every year Blackhall Colliery Primary School, in conjunction with St Andrew's church, organises a friendship ceremony at which the children pledge their friendship for life.

We had the pleasure this afternoon to go along to watch the children perform a wedding-type ceremony, supported by parents and school staff, in the beautiful St Andrew's church on Hesleden Road in the village.

Afterwards there was a reception in the church hall where the children enjoyed a buffet and disco before heading home with their share of a specially made wedding cake!

We would like to offer our sincere thanks to the headteacher, teachers and teaching assistants from the school, along with the members of St Andrew's church, for inviting us to be a part of their big day. It is truly heart-warming to see such well-behaved children taking part in a special ceremony to celebrate their life-long friendship. They are a credit to the school and our village.

We look forward to being a part of it all again in years to come.