Friday 15 April 2016

Public involvement in the planning process

We have received the following press release from county hall giving information on how members of the public can get involved in the planning process:

Have your say on getting involved in planning

A consultation on how people can get involved in Durham County Council’s planning process starts today (15 April).

The Statement of Community Involvement sets out how individuals, local communities and other interested parties can play a part in all aspects of planning, from commenting on applications to being part of a neighbourhood planning forum for their area.

It also explains how the council will consult on the County Durham Plan as well as providing advice to town and parish councils on involving local people and groups in the preparation of neighbourhood plans.

People can find out more and take part at

Copies of the consultation will also available at all council libraries and customer access points with members of the public able to send comments to FREEPOST Spatial Policy or

The consultation is part of the council’s responsibility to regularly review how residents, businesses and other stakeholders play a part in planning issues. Anyone wishing to take part can submit comments until 5pm on Friday, 13 May.