Thursday 21 April 2016

Fly-tipping at Monk Hesleden

Once again we have received reports of fly-tipping in the open countryside, this time along the road between High Hesleden and Monk Hesleden.

An old couch dumped in the bushes at the side of the Haswell to Hart walkway at Monk Hesleden

For some reason beyond our understanding somebody thought it acceptable to dump an old red leather couch in the bushes beside the small car park at the Haswell to Hart walkway at Monk Hesleden, where it can be seen by local walkers and in full view of the many visitors to our area.

Apart from making our countryside look like a landfill site, people are understandably angry that during these times of central government cut-backs the cost of addressing such thoughtless acts falls on the county council, and ultimately on already hard-pressed council tax payers.

We have reported the couch for collection. Please remain vigilant and let us know of any other incidents of fly-tipping or accumulations of rubbish in your area.