Monday 7 March 2016

Access and other issues at Chicken's Green

We have spoken recently to residents who have complained about the general condition of Chicken's Green in Blackhall.

In particular residents have expressed their concerns about flooding or surface water on the pathway which cuts along the green and connects Corry Close with Dene Road.

Surface water on the pathway cutting across Chicken's Green

Residents have told us of their concerns about the gradually decreasing width of the pathway and also about litter, branches and other debris on and around the green itself.

We have asked the drainage engineers at county hall to come out and have a look at the surface water problem and we have also asked the Clean & Green team to clear the litter and branches as soon as possible (and we can confirm that the branches have now been removed).

Residents also have concerns about how narrow the pathway has become

We will update on progress with the other issues as when they are addressed, but in the meantime please let us know if you are aware of any other similar environmental issues in and around the villages of our ward.