Friday 12 February 2016

Tremendous community support for the new Blackhall Library Group

The Friends of Blackhall Library Group (FOBL) got off to a fantastic start yesterday at its launch event held on the library premises. The day consisted of two separate events and marked the official launch of the community group established to support and strengthen the library in Blackhall.

Lynn, Jan and Rob with the specially-made cake to mark the launch of the new Blackhall Library Group

During the daytime children from our three primary schools were entertained at the library by Circurama, a type of live circus-based education show which included juggling, uni-cycling and a series of very interesting balancing acts! We saw for ourselves how much the children enjoyed the entertainment and we have it on good authority, from teachers and pupils alike, that the show was a fantastic start to a great day of celebration.

On the evening almost 70 people packed the library to get together and talk about how the service can be supported in future by activities and events organised by local people, some as members of the FOBL committee and some by simply coming up with ideas and giving a helping hand now and again.

There was a first-class display of original local images from Hesleden's own photographer Cath Ruocco who has spent years roaming the streets capturing everyday life in Blackhall Colliery. A look at life in the past, in photographic form, was kindly provided by the Blackhall Local History Group.

The event was attended by Cllr Jan Blakey, Chairman of Durham County Council, along with a number of library staff from county hall. There were also representatives from East Durham Creates and the East Durham Trust who have been working closely with us and a number of interested parties in laying the foundations for the FOBL group. 

Members of the committee were in attendance to discuss with people the future intentions of the group and it was great to see so many offers of support from residents and general well-wishers. It has always been our aim to involve as many local people as possible and last night's response from the public gave us so much optimism for the future.

We could not finish a piece about the FOBL without giving a special mention to the manager of Blackhall library, Carol Close, who has given such impetus to the establishment of the group. Her contagious enthusiasm has been a driving force for the past year or so, during the group's early stages, and we look forward to continuing working with Carol and the rest of the committee in the coming months and years as we strive to make Blackhall library an essential and indispensable part of village life.

A young reader at last night's launch event
Emma & Jan with the FOBL cake