Tuesday 12 January 2016

Call to action for Blackhall Colliery residents

We have published below a press release from Durham County Council which gives additional information on their Community Action Team's visit to Blackhall Colliery later this month (please see our post dated Sunday 10 January 2016):

Residents in part of Blackhall Colliery are being asked to play their part in a campaign to improve their community.

Durham County Council’s Community Action Team (CAT) will be spending 10 weeks from Monday 18 January working with people who live in numbered streets in the village (First Street to Eleventh Street as well as East Street and Middle Street) to address any local issues and advising on health and well-being.

It will be the fifteenth CAT project to take place in the county since the initiative was launched in 2012.

As well as anything highlighted by residents, the team will also be tackling a number of housing, environmental and health issues in the area.

Members of the local community are being urged to get involved and advise the team on what their priorities should be to help them make improvements.

Drop in sessions will be held from 10 am on 9 February at Blackhall Community Centre, 19 February at Blackhall Library and 23 February at Blackhall Community Centre.

There will also be a residents’ meeting on 25 January at 12 pm at Blackhall Resource Centre.

The events will update residents on the progress of the team’s work as well as giving them the chance to raise any other areas of concern or issues.

The team will firstly set its priorities and talk to residents before putting the changes in place and ideas into action and will then review the scheme and set future targets and aims.

Joanne Waller, head of environment, health and consumer protection, Durham County Council, said: “This is a good opportunity for people in the area we will be working in to let us know what their priorities are and to work with the team to improve their neighbourhood.

“We would encourage all local people and businesses to get involved by coming along to the meeting and drop in sessions and make sure their voices are heard.”

To find out more about the CAT’s visit to Blackhall Colliery call 03000 261 016 or email communityactionteam@durham.gov.uk or visit www.durham.gov.uk/CAT