Tuesday 19 January 2016

Blackhall Colliery Community Action Team gets started!

This morning the first meeting of the Blackhall Community Action Team (CAT) was held at the Resource Centre in Middle Street (please see post dated Sunday 10 January 2016 for background details).

Fly-tipping in the back yards of empty properties is a problem in some parts of the village

The purpose of the meeting was to preview the way the team will work over the next ten weeks to address a number of social and environmental issues in the village, including incidents of fly-tipping, littering, dog fouling and general maintenance. 

Work will be focused on an area between First Street and Eleventh Street and from Middle Street down to East Street, and will cover approximately 600 properties.

The team will be in the village until 24 March and will meet regularly with residents and partner groups such as Groundwork, the street warden team, County Durham Fire & Rescue service, Monk Hesleden Parish Council, housing providers in our area, our local PCSO and a number of others.

Next steps for the team include holding a series of walkabouts in the village, along with meeting residents to discuss their concerns and identify ways to tackle specific problems. 

We have published details of times, dates and venues for these events below, but please don't hesitate to contact us directly if you have any particular issues you would like to talk through.

Initial walkabout – 10 am Thursday 21st January
Second walkabout – 10 am Thursday 28th January
Smaller walkabouts are planned to take place every Monday morning of the Action Weeks (1st February to 7th March) starting at 10.30 am

Resident Drop-In Sessions
12 pm-3 pm Monday 25th January (Blackhall Resource Centre)
10 am-1 pm Friday 9th February (Blackhall Community Centre)
10 am-1 pm Friday 19th February (Blackhall Library)
10 am-1 pm Friday 23rd February (Blackhall Community Centre)