Friday 20 November 2015

Update on street light repair delays in Blackhall Colliery

Following our post on this site yesterday morning regarding street lighting problems in Blackhall Colliery, we have received the following update from the construction manager in the neighbourhood services section of Durham County Council. 

From his comments it would appear that Northern Power Grid is responsible for repairs to this section of lights, rather than the county council. With that in mind we will continue to apply pressure to the relevant agency to have these lights repaired as soon as possible:

The street lighting is out due to Northern Power Grid supply failure, this has been reported to NPG on 17th November we have requested their attendance as soon as possible. The first report of this section of lights being out to DCC was on the 10th November. We attended on 16th November and placed an order on NPG to restore on the 17th November. They have until the 8th January 2016 to restore however they normally attend outages such as this well before this target date. We will keep pressure on NPG to restore for an urgent attendance.

John Dent
Construction Manager
Neighbourhood Services
Durham County Council
Telephone: 03000 269229