Thursday 12 November 2015

Friends of Blackhall Library

For some time now we have been involved in the early stages of establishing the Friends of Blackhall Library group which is intended to give local people the opportunity to play a part in supporting and sustaining their library service in Blackhall.

Membership of the group is open to anyone in the Monk Hesleden parish area and details of the next meeting of the group are shown below in a reproduction of a poster being distributed by the library manager Carol Close:

Friends of Blackhall Library

We are looking for volunteers from the Monk Hesleden parish area to create a ‘Friends of Blackhall Library’ group.

We would like people from all areas of the parish to represent the individual needs of the different localities.

A meeting is being held on 

Thursday 3 December at 5.30pm in the Library.

Please come and join us!
For more details contact Carol on 03000 269505