Saturday 4 July 2015

Hesleden Primary School pupils voice environmental concerns

A visit to Hesleden Primary school last Wednesday morning led to a number of environmental improvements being carried out in the village.

The Student Voice groups within the school had previously carried out their own village inspection to identify any areas in particular need of attention. These included the usual problems associated with dog fouling, graffiti and litter but also highlighted works to be carried out at the play area to the rear of Hazel Drive.

Pupils also reported damage to the boardwalk at the pond adjacent to the Haswell to Hart walkway at the bottom of East Terrace.

The damaged boardwalk at the pond on the Haswell to Hart walkway

These issues, along with a few other general matters, have now been reported to the relevant sections at county hall and to the parish council for their attention. 

As a direct result the county council's Clean and Green team came into the village on Thursday to clear the litter, and the parish council clerk has arranged to have the litter bin at the play area replaced and also to fix the loose bench into the ground to prevent it becoming dislodged again.

In addition, the county council's parks and countryside ranger has agreed to take a look at the damaged boardwalk at the pond and carry out repair works as required.

We will update on progress with these matters as and when we receive further information but in the meantime we would like to thank the staff of Hesleden Primary for inviting us to visit their school, and we would especially like to thank the children for their warm welcome and for showing a keen interest in their community. Hopefully they will see real improvements to the village as a direct result of their involvement.

We're already looking forward to our next visit when we might look in a little more detail at other matters affecting the school and village.