Sunday 19 July 2015

Flooding in Middle Street, Blackhall Colliery

Last year we received complaints from staff members and customers at the Co-op in Middle Street about flooding to the front and side of the premises. We reported the problem to the highways department at county hall and they repaired the drains and gullies nearby to see if that would rectify the flooding (see post dated Wednesday 5 November 2014 for further details).

However we were contacted again by a number of people last Friday reporting continued flooding in the area immediately outside the entrance to the store. We had initially reported this for repair last year and we were led to believe that measures were taken to address the problem. Clearly the flooding persists, regardless of any action taken previously.

We have reported this latest incident to the highways and drainage departments at county hall and we have asked for immediate attention to end this persistent flooding problem at this location once and for all.