Thursday 21 May 2015

Blackhall miners' commemoration plaque unveiled

We were delighted to accept an invitation to formally welcome guests to Blackhall Community Centre this morning for a ceremony to unveil a plaque to commemorate those men who lost their lives at Blackhall Colliery (please see posts dated 22 April and 15 May 2015 for background details).

The plaque was researched and installed by the Blackhall Local History Group and lists the names of the 69 men who were either accidentally killed or who lost their lives as a result of their injuries at the pit between the start of production in 1913 and its end in 1981.

The turn out at Blackhall Community Centre was tremendous and included representatives from the Durham Area NUM, CISWO, Blackhall Labour Party, Blackhall library, members of the local business community and many others. 

For us though the highlight of the event was the individual naming of each of the men by 69 children from our local primary schools, Hesleden, Blackhall Colliery and St Joseph's RC. The children performed their tasks in an exemplary manner and were a credit to their respective schools.

Our particular thanks must go to the Blackhall Local History Group and its members for their commitment and dedication in working to provide a fitting tribute to the bold men of our village who gave everything.