Wednesday 18 March 2015

Positive response to Blackhall library public meeting

Last week East Durham Trust hosted a public meeting at Blackhall Community Centre in order to take a closer look at how our library in Blackhall is run at the moment and how it might be better used and operated in the years ahead if continued public funding cuts eventually put its future at risk (please see post dated 4 March 2015 for background details).

Representatives from the Trust set the context for the meeting by referring to the current service at Blackhall library and offered some ideas on how it could be protected and improved for future generations. They suggested a number of possible options to be considered in doing this and also encouraged as many residents and organisations to comment on its proposals:

For our part we reported that there were no immediate plans to close libraries in County Durham, at least during the next financial year of 2015-2016. However, given the scale and severity of central government-imposed cuts to local council budgets, and the likelihood of further cuts in the years ahead, we have to be realistic in acknowledging that nothing is certain beyond the next financial year - potentially a period during which many councils will struggle to deliver services as we know them. This was felt to be an important factor in determining how we might want to see our library services delivered in future.

Whilst expressing our strong personal preference for all local authority services to remain in public control, we assured the public meeting that we would work with the residents of Blackhall and the surrounding villages to ensure the future of our library service in whichever format they preferred. We also welcomed the Trust's involvement in helping residents consider all future options for library provision in our area.

Naturally we are delighted that there was such a strong turnout on the evening. The number of residents and organisations coming along to show an interest is certainly seen as a positive indicator of the strength of support for our library and the clear message from those present is that services at Blackhall library should be maintained and that all options in ensuring its future should be taken into account. 

Given the strength of public support demonstrated at the meeting we would now encourage every resident, business or other organisation in and around the Blackhall area to take part in the East Durham Trust survey by using the links above.

We consider it essential that as many residents, organisations and businesses as possible take part in this consultation because evidence of public interest and involvement are vital if members of our community wish to hold on to their local services.

All feedback will be collated and analysed by the Trust over the next few weeks and a follow-up meeting to report on findings will be arranged and advertised in due course.