Wednesday 4 February 2015

Works on High Hesleden traffic calming measures to begin this month

Residents at High Hesleden told us of their concerns about traffic speeding through their village and they told us that they would like to see traffic calming measures installed to address this problem (please see post dated 10 December 2014 for background details).

We raised residents' concerns with highways officers at county hall and, following a series of consultations aimed at identifying the type of traffic calming measures most favoured by residents, we have now been notified that works to install chicanes in the village are due to begin on Monday 16 February. The notification, giving further details of the scheme, is reproduced below in full:

C81 Mickle Hill Road, High Hesleden
Proposed Introduction of Traffic Calming Measures – Update

Following the recent resident consultation on the proposed introduction of two additional chicanes, to the same layout as the existing chicane at the western end of the village, I can confirm that the proposal has been well received.

A total of 43 responses were returned with 77% of the responses being in favour of the proposed chicanes. As there was a higher level of support for this proposal, compared to the mixed responses returned in relation to previous options, further discussions have taken place with Cllr Rob Crute and Cllr Lynn Pounder. A decision was reached, based on the response to the consultation, to proceed with the scheme.

It is anticipated the works will be introduced in February 2015.