Tuesday 2 December 2014

Proposed wind farm at Sheraton refused by planning committee

We attended a meeting this afternoon of the countywide planning committee at county hall to register our opposition to a planning application for a 5-turbine wind farm at Sheraton Hill in our ward (please see posts dated 27 January 2012, 2 March 2012, 21 March 2012, 22 March 2012, 26 April 2012, 31 April 2012, 10 August 2012, 18 October 2012 & 25 November 2014 for background information).

Using the main issues outlined in the objection letter submitted to the county council (full details in the post dated 3 April 2012) we set out our objections to the proposal for three main reasons:

  • the cumulative impact of wind farms in the area resulting in loss of amenity for residents
  • the overbearing visual impact of the turbines on residents in a number of villages but especially in Hesleden and Castle Eden
  • of the 139 letters sent to the planning authority commenting on this proposal 131 were against the wind farm with only 8 in favour. We felt that this accurately reflected the depth of public feeling about such developments in our area

Following deliberation by committee members it was resolved to refuse the application primarily on grounds of visual impact.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all residents who responded to the consultation and also the members of Monk Hesleden, Castle Eden and Hutton Henry Parish Councils.

All residents and organisations who made representations to the county council should be formally notified of the decision in due course.