Tuesday 25 November 2014

Planning committee date for the Sheraton Wind Farm proposal

We were notified yesterday that the planning application submitted by EDF Energy for 5 wind turbines just off the A19 at Sheraton will be put before the County (Strategic) planning committee on Tuesday 2 December 2014 for their deliberation and decision.

Because this application has proved particularly contentious it has been on the back burner for a considerable time. We have consistently opposed it from the outset and we know from public meetings and correspondence that many residents in our ward are steadfastly against it too (please see posts dated 27 January 2012, 2 March 2012, 21 March 2012, 22 March 2012, 26 April 2012, 31 April 2012, 10 August 2012 & 18 October 2012 for background information).

We will be at county hall next Tuesday afternoon to voice our opposition to EDF's proposed development and we have included the link to the planning committee papers for your consideration: