Wednesday 26 November 2014

Fly-tippers persist despite prevention measures

On Friday 14 November 2014 we wrote on this site about two separate incidents of vandalism along our coast. The first related to graffiti at the Blackhall Rocks picnic area and the second to damage to a barrier at the top of Deneholme bank, erected to prevent a recurrence of persistent fly-tipping on the approach to the beach.

Unfortunately, although the barrier has been put back the fly-tipping continues!

Over the weekend we received reports of rubbish dumped at the approach to the gardens, just before the barrier. Clearly the fly-tippers are aware that the barrier has been put there to prevent them from dumping their rubbish at the beach so they simply drop it off at the nearest available place.

Apart from making the approach to the gardens and the beach look absolutely dreadful, the cost of constant removal of piles of rubbish falls on the council tax payer. This is bad enough at the best of time but absolutely unacceptable in these times of austerity and diminished local council budgets.

We have reported the rubbish for collection. We have also asked the police and the wardens to check any available CCTV footage active in the area to see if the fly-tippers and their vehicles can be traced. However if you are aware of anyone fly-tipping in our area please report it to: