Friday 18 July 2014

Appeal against Castle Eden crematorium decision

We have received formal notification this morning that an appeal has been lodged against the refusal of planning consent for the crematorium development at Castle Eden (please see posts dated 1 April 2014, 7 March 2014, 3 January 2014 & 12 December 2013 for further background information).

We will meet with Castle Eden residents, businesses and local parish councillors within the next few days to consider the way in which we intend to oppose the appeal and uphold the original decision of the planning committee, which we believe was correct, fair and strongly representative of community opinion.

We have published below the notification as received from the county council. If you made representations as part of the original application process please note the deadline for receipt of further representations is 19 August 2014:

Planning Inspectorate Ref: APP/X1355/A/14/2221052
Local Planning Authority Ref: CE/13/01660/FPA/PGH
Dear Sir/Madam

Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Crematorium Upgraded Access and Associated Works
Land To North Of Castle Eden Brewery Castle Eden Durham 
Appeal By
Dignity Plc

I hereby notify you that an appeal has been lodged against the refusal for planning permission for the above.

Any comments on the proposal that you may have made at the application stage to Durham County Council will be copied to the applicant and The Planning Inspectorate and will be considered by the Inspector (unless you withdraw them by the 19 August 2014).  If you want to make any additional comments you must submit 3 copies within 5 weeks, by 19 August 2014 to the Inspectorate. Any representations received by the Planning Inspectorate after this deadline will not normally be seen by the Inspector and will be returned to you. Please note that the Planning Inspectorate will not acknowledge representations.

A copy of the appellant’s reasons for the appeal is available for inspection at County Hall, Durham, DH1 5UL, during normal office hours, which are as follows:-

Monday – Thursday            8.30am – 5.00pm and
Friday                         8.30am – 4.30pm

Should you have any further comments to make on this appeal then please send three copies of them to the Planning Inspectorate, quoting their reference number APP/X1355/A/14/2221052.

Their address is:-

Rose Holland
The Planning Inspectorate
Room 3/06 Wing
Temple Quay House
2 The Square

You can get a copy of the Planning Inspectorate’s booklet entitled ‘Guide to taking part in planning appeals proceeding by a hearing’ either free of charge from the Council or through publications on the Planning Portal.

The decision will be published on the Planning Portal.