Thursday 22 May 2014

Prohibition of Vehicles Order for Deneholme, Blackhall

We have received the following notification from the legal services department at county hall relating to proposals to close-off Deneholme to vehicles. 

This has come about following frequent complaints from the public about fly-tipping on the road between the allotments and the beach (please see posts dated 3 April 2013, 18 April 2013, 23 April 2013, 7 November 2013, 17 November 2013, 12 February 2014 & 10 March 2014 for further details).

If you have any comments to make relating to this matter please note the contact details in the notification below. Please also note that responses must be received no later than 11 June 2014.

The Council intend to make the following Order under the provisions of the Road
Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, to introduce a Prohibition of Motor Vehicles
on Unclassified Deneholme, Blackhall from a point 25m north of the junction with the
vehicular access to the allotment site, proceeding northerly for 380m. A copy of the
draft Order and supporting documents may all be inspected at County Hall, Durham
Mon-Fri 9am-4pm; via the Council website and at Blackhall Library during normal
opening hours. Any person who wishes to object to the proposals should send their
grounds of objection, in writing, to L. Holding, Legal Assistant, County Hall, Durham
or email to (ref: 92755) by no later than 11/6/14.
Dated: 21st May 2014
Colette Longbottom
Head of Legal & Democratic Services
County Hall, Durham DH1 5UL