Friday 4 April 2014

Highways committee to consider traffic calming measures at High Hesleden

Following a number of complaints last year about vehicles speeding through High Hesleden highways engineers have now finished costing the proposed scheme(s) to install traffic calming measures in the area. 

As part of the public consultation exercise carried out in the village last year separate schemes were put forward for consideration. One suggested traffic calming measures at the eastern approach to the village, at The Bungalows, and a second scheme offered traffic calming measures throughout the entire village.

Perhaps understandably there were conflicting views among residents about which scheme to opt for. Some preferred the first option, some the second, some wanted a mix of both and others insisted that no measures be carried out at all.

To ensure that the funding is not lost in the next financial year, and to ensure fairness in the decision-making process, we have asked that the programme be formally submitted to the county council. We have been advised that the proposals will now be put before members of the Highways Committee at county hall for their consideration and decision.