Friday 7 March 2014

Further objections to Castle Eden crematorium plans

Along with residents and business representatives we met last night with planners from DCC to discuss a number of outstanding issues relating to the planning application for a crematorium at Castle Eden (please see posts dated 12 December 2013 & 3 January 2014 for further information).

Apart from planning policy issues, the main matters for discussion related to those around increased traffic generation, Natural England's objection to the proposal, health and safety issues from the Golf Club and the potential for a return of anti-social behaviour at the proposal site - and potential difficulties in revoking a Traffic Prohibition Order imposed at the access road to prevent such problems.

We intend to submit further objections in light of new information from last night's meeting (we'll put full details on this site in due course) and we would urge anyone to join us in writing to the planning section with their concerns.

Please note that representations will be accepted right up until the date of the planning committee meeting, currently expected within the next month or so. This is despite notices on the council's planning pages to the contrary.