Thursday 12 December 2013

Response to proposed crematorium at Castle Eden

A consultation was held recently by a national funeral company regarding their plans to build a crematorium on land to the north of the former brewery at Castle Eden, between the golf club and the A19.

Since the event we have had the opportunity to meet with members of the public and members of Castle Eden parish council and from their feedback we have written to the company with our formal response to their initial proposals. This is reproduced below in full:

Dear Sir/Madam,
Durham County Councillors’ joint response to proposed crematorium on land to the North of the former Castle Eden Brewery:
We would like to thank you for the opportunity to view your plans for a crematorium at the above location. However we feel we must object to your proposal for reasons which include, but are not limited to, those outlined below:
·         Traffic generation: we are aware that there are ongoing traffic-related problems in this location and we believe that a proposal of this nature would increase the number of vehicles in and around the site and so add to existing traffic-related issues. The site in question is directly adjacent to the A19, a major trunk road through East Durham, linking the conurbations of Teesside and Tyneside. Any increased traffic generation would have a hugely negative impact on the settlements around this area.
·         Visual impact: residents from properties close to the proposed development site have approached us with concerns about the impact the finished site would have on their visual amenity. After careful consideration of the plans and projected visual impact we are inclined to agree with residents.
·         Parking and turning: further to our point above in relation to increased traffic generation we feel that a facility of this nature would lead to an increase in parking and turning problems currently experienced at this location.
·         Disturbance: we share the concerns expressed by residents nearby that a proposed crematorium in this area would lead to increased incidents of disturbance caused by a greater number of vehicles and visitors to the site.
·         Effect on conservation area(s): we note that the proposal relates to a site bordered to the North by Castle Eden Dene and to the South by the settlement of Castle Eden which is a conservation area. We feel that a development of this nature is not appropriate at this location.
In addition to these material planning considerations we feel that the proposed operators have failed to identify any clear benefits to the community, either in economic, social or environmental terms.
Further we feel that the operator has not fully considered the viability of alternative sites for this development. We note that the land to the North of the former Castle Eden Brewery was identified as suitable by the developer alone. Further, we note that the developer approached Durham County Council in pursuit of a list of appropriate sites in the ownership of the authority. The proposed site was not included on that list.
In summary we feel that for environmental and social reasons the site in question is wholly inappropriate for a development of this nature. We have not received any credible economic argument for this development and we feel that other, more appropriate, sites are available elsewhere.
In planning terms we feel that the material planning considerations as detailed above would be sufficient evidence for the local planning authority to reject any future application for development at this location.
Yours faithfully
Cllr Rob Crute and Cllr Lynn Pounder