Thursday 12 December 2013

Hesleden Pit Heap consultation

A consultation exercise was held last night at Hesleden Community Centre to seek residents’ initial views on the possible future extraction of 270,000 tonnes of solid combustible materials from the former pit heap.

The consultation, which will form the basis of a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI), was arranged by Hargreaves who intend to use the SCI as part of a formal planning application in the new year to seek consent to remove low-grade fuel from the pit heap.

Plans were made available in the community centre to show how Hargreaves intend to transport the fuel from the pit heap along Gray Avenue and onto the B1281 and on toward Castle Eden and the A19. It is estimated that removal will entail four HGV movements an hour, six days a week for an estimated twenty months. Because of the potential for upheaval we have asked Hargreaves to commit to making some form of financial compensation to the general community if any planning consent is granted.

The eventual outcome of course depends on the formal planning process and it is particularly important that residents voice their concerns at the appropriate time as part of that process. We feel that if Hargreaves is prepared to spend a lot of money on gaining planning approval then there must be sufficient profit in the exercise to justify their initial outlay. We think it only fair that the community is properly compensated for its part in what could be considerable upheaval over a lengthy period of time.

As ever we will be guided by the wishes of residents and the wider community if this proposal is eventually submitted to the county council for planning consent.