Tuesday 17 December 2013

A1086 Blackhall to Horden - more rumours

Following our most recent post two weeks ago (3 December 2013) about the possible closure of the A1086 between Blackhall and Horden rumours have persisted and grown to the point that we are being contacted several times each day by people concerned about the extent and impact of any future road closure.

For example we heard yesterday from a number of well-meaning sources that the road would close on 4 January for four weeks, then we heard that the road would be closed off in February for four months and we were even told that the road would close next year and may never reopen!

It's understandable that people are genuinely concerned about the potential impact of landslip repair works in this area. The simple truth however is that no-one knows for certain if, or when, road works are to be carried out.

Just to be sure we checked again with senior highways officers at county hall yesterday. They insist that there are no firm plans yet to carry out repair works at this location. They are currently assessing site investigation reports before reaching a decision on how and when works will begin and, perhaps most importantly, how any impact can be kept to a minimum.

We have been told that the information in the update we published on this site on 3 December remains accurate. We have been assured that we will receive regular updates on progress and we will pass on that information through this site as soon as it is received. In the meantime please feel free to let us know of any particular concerns you might have in relation to this matter.